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What Your Orthodontist Wants You to Know During This Time

July 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstandrabik @ 8:46 pm
Orthodontist wearing PPE with patient

Between news channels and social media platforms, it seems like COVID-19 is the topic on everyone’s mind. While extensive research is being conducted on this potentially fatal virus, safety measures like social distancing and frequent handwashing continue to play a vital role in limiting the spread and flattening the curve. However, many patients are uncertain if their family should visit the orthodontist during this time. To help provide you peace-of-mind and guide you in the right direction, your orthodontist is sharing three things they want you to know about your visit during the pandemic.

Safety Measures Are in Place

Pre-COVID-19, physical waiting rooms and back-to-back appointments were a routine part of your dentist’s daily operations. However, they have used the recent months to re-design their practice to accommodate social distancing guidelines, additional sanitation measures, and extra personal protective equipment. Therefore, at your next appointment you can expect:

  • Patients being asked to use hand sanitizer both before and after their appointment.
  • Waiting rooms that are laid out to make social distancing a practical reality.
  • Staff and patients wearing face masks throughout the building.

Dentists and Orthodontists Are Experts in Infection Control

Long before 2020, your dental team practiced proper infection control by wearing a face mask, using fresh gloves, and practicing proper hand hygiene. Today, your dentist is dedicating their time, resources, and skills to implementing sanitation and safety measures put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plus, they are undergoing additional training to enhance their preparedness during this pandemic. Therefore, your dentist’s practice has a distinct advantage in keeping you safe at your appointment!

Your Oral Condition Directly Impacts Your Overall Health

All too often, patients view their visits as voluntary. However, your appointments with your orthodontist play a crucial role in ensuring your progress is on track and your oral health is not being compromised in the process. If broken brackets, rogue wires, and other complications are neglected, they can lead to a multitude of dental issues, including infection. If left alone, the harmful bacteria can enter your bloodstream and wreak havoc on the rest of your body. To prevent this from happening to you, make sure to stay in contact with your orthodontist throughout the pandemic!

Although the current pandemic has changed virtually every aspect of our lives, it hasn’t changed the importance of your appointment with your orthodontist. Fortunately, they have put extensive sanitation measures in place to ensure your safety. That way, you can get the smile you’ve always wanted without compromising your peace of mind!

About the Author

After obtaining his Doctor of Dental Surgery from SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Stan Drabik earned his orthodontic certificate at Boston University’s Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. In addition to his extensive experience and clinical skill, Dr. Drabik is also a recipient of the Donald T. Kozlowski Memorial Award for the Most Respected Senior Dental Student. If you would like additional information on how he is using his expertise to keep his patients safe during COVID-19, visit his website.

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