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I Want a Straight Smile—How Long Will It Take with Braces?

August 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstandrabik @ 5:04 pm
Woman smiling with braces

You’ve wanted to straighten your teeth for a long time, but when it comes to braces, you still have so many unanswered questions. Of these questions, treatment time is frequently asked about. After all, patients want to know exactly how long they’ll have braces fixed to their smile. Thankfully, your orthodontist has the answer! Keep reading to learn about the average treatment time for traditional orthodontics in Rochester and some of the variables that can affect the process.

What is the Average Treatment Time for Braces?

Generally, patients will need to wear their braces between 18 months and 2 years. While some treatments can take a longer or shorter amount of time, this window is a good baseline estimate. Braces work by using a system of wires and brackets that are fixed to your teeth. Your orthodontist will adjust them throughout your treatment to gradually shift your smile into alignment.

What Can Affect My Treatment Time?

Here are the 3 main variables that can influence your treatment time:

Severity of Misalignment

The main factor that will determine your treatment time is the severity of your misalignment and any problems with your bite. Serious bite issues will often result in longer treatment times because the bite must be corrected in addition to the alignment of your teeth.

Dental Hygiene

Additionally, your dental hygiene will also play a key role in the success of your treatment. It’s incredibly important to follow your orthodontist’s instructions carefully to keep your straight smile on track. This means routine brushing and flossing as well as avoiding foods like popcorn or sticky candy that can damage your braces. By following these instructions to a T, you can potentially cut down the time that you have to wear braces.

Type of Braces

Lastly, the type of braces that you require will directly impact your treatment time. Those who elect for ceramic braces will enjoy a more discreet appearance, but their materials aren’t as strong as metal braces, which is why treatment may take longer in some cases. There are also Lingual braces, which are attached to the inner side of your smile. These braces typically don’t affect treatment time, but Self-Ligating braces can often provide faster results.

How to Shorten Your Treatment Time

In some cases, patients can receive faster treatment using technology like AcceleDent. This high-tech instrument uses micropulses (vibrations) sent through a special mouthpiece to speed up the alignment process. This works by causing bone remodeling, which allows your teeth to shift into place. Patients that use AcceleDent can often complete their orthodontic treatment in half of the normal time, which is why it’s become a popular new service that orthodontists are offering. There is also another advanced technology that orthodontists can use called PROPEL. This system stimulates bone remodeling to speed up treatment time by creating alveolar perforations.

Of course, the best way to get a definitive answer on your treatment time is to visit an orthodontist, so call today to learn more!

Meet the Orthodontist

Dr. Stan Drabik has over 2 decades of orthodontic experience, and he received his orthodontic certificate at Boston University’s Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. For any questions, he can be reached through his website or by phone at (585) 730-7700.

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