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Need Braces? Stay Confident with These Options

September 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstandrabik @ 7:14 pm
Beautiful smile with dental mirror

A confident smile can go a long way. In fact, studies show that your smile is the 2nd physical attribute noticed when making an impression. Many people yearn for a straighter smile but don’t want to commit to treatment because of the appearance of traditional braces. Metal in the mouth can cause self-consciousness for many, affecting their confidence in social and professional settings. Thankfully, there are two different options that give you a way to receive straight teeth without noticeable orthodontics. Keep reading to learn about lingual braces and Invisalign!

What are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are similar to traditional orthodontics, but they’re virtually invisible. How is this possible? Because the braces are actually fixed to the back of the teeth, allowing you to smile without metal brackets and wires affecting your appearance. The reason why this amazing option isn’t offered to everyone is because you must have long enough teeth to receive them. Additionally, lingual braces cannot correct severe bite problems. Lastly, not all orthodontists offer this treatment because it requires extra education and training. 

Lingual braces are a way for patients to received fixed orthodontics without the appearance of metal in their mouth. You can navigate through your professional and social lives without being affected by the self-consciousness that comes with traditional braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment involves the use of a series of clear plastic aligners. These are designed to gradually shift your teeth into place for beautiful and lasting results. You must wear your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day in order for treatment to be successful, but they are completely removeable. After wearing your set of aligners for about 2 weeks, you’ll switch them out for the next in the series to progress your alignment.

Invisalign offers patients a way to straighten their teeth without anyone noticing. Its smooth plastic allows for a comfortable wearing experience, and they’re completely removeable, so you can eat all of your favorite foods with no worries.

Which One is Best for Me?

Both options sound great, so which one is right for you? The only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist. Remember, not all orthodontists offer these services because they are a newer and more advanced technology than traditional braces. During your consultation, they will examine your mouth and discuss your smile goals before recommending the treatment that works best for you.

Are you ready to take your first step toward a beautifully straight smile? Contact your orthodontist in Rochester to learn about the best solution for you.

Meet the Orthodontist

Dr. Stan Drabik is an experienced orthodontist who has completed extensive continuing education courses in order to offer a variety of treatment options to his patients. He currently owns and operates Drabik Orthodontics, and he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (585) 730-7700.

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