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4 Handy Tips for Taking Care of Invisalign in Rochester

June 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstandrabik @ 7:10 pm
Invisalign retainer

It’s no wonder that many patients prefer Invisalign in Rochester over traditional braces when it comes to straightening their teeth; after all, not only are Invisalign retainers less noticeable, but you can take them out so that you can eat whatever you want! But like with any orthodontic treatment, you need to be aware of potential problems that can arise. To protect your oral health and make sure that your treatment goes as planned, remember these 4 tips for taking care of Invisalign aligners.

1. Keep Your Teeth Clean

You probably don’t need to be told how brushing and flossing are important for keeping your teeth free of the plaque that can lead to cavities, but good oral hygiene is especially vital when using Invisalign. Bacteria in your mouth can become trapped in the aligners, which can accelerate tooth staining and decay. For this reason, you should be brushing and flossing after every meal; if this isn’t always possible, you can use water to rinse your mouth before putting your trays back in.

2. Keep Your Aligners Clean

Similarly, you’ll want to clean your aligners on a regular basis. You can do this by brushing them and rinsing them with water after eating or drinking. It’s also a good idea to clean your aligners when you first wake up in the morning since bacteria can build up overnight. Do not soak them in mouthwash or boil them, as this can damage them and cause discoloration.

3. Avoid Breaking the Tray

If an aligner is broken, it may extend treatment time, and you might need to pay for a replacement. To avoid this situation, always remove your tray while eating to protect it from the pressures of chewing. Avoid taking your tray out the same way each time; if too much stress is put on a particular point, there’s a greater chance of the aligner breaking in that area. Speak with your orthodontist about different techniques you can use for aligner removal.

4. Take Care of the Buttons and Attachments

Attachments and button brackets will often be placed on the tooth to provide extra grip for the aligners to make the required adjustments. Food and debris can easily be caught in these areas, so pay extra attention to them while brushing. Also, you’ll need to be careful not to break the brackets when removing your aligners; in some cases, a special tool can be used to make the removal process easier.

Remember that you can speak with your orthodontist about any concerns you might have about your treatment. Take good care of your aligners and be aware of any changes in your mouth. With proper maintenance, Invisalign can be an excellent orthodontic solution.

About the Author

Dr. Stan Drabik has been practicing orthodontics for over 20 years and is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists. He enjoys the opportunity to help patients improve their smile. His Rochester practice, Drabik Orthodontics, offers Invisalign in addition to traditional metal braces as well as other oral appliances. To schedule an appointment, visit his website or call (585) 730-7700.

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